Our Happy Alaskan Klee Kai Customers!

We’ve enjoyed keeping in touch with the wonderful families who’ve adopted our puppies over the years. Many have shared pictures and stories of their pups as they mature into adults, again helping us prove what we claim over the many years in our breeding program.

Hi Wieschhof!
I hope you are doing well. Time sure goes by quickly, and it’s hard to believe our sweet little girl is already 5 years old! 
She has definitely brought a lot of love and energy to our home over the past 5 years. She keeps our two boys who are 12 and 9 in line! She’s also definitely the boss of our other Alaskan Klee kai, Cooper. She loves swimming, leaving her toys all over the house, and jumping on the boys’ beds for story time. Our home would not be the same without her, and we think she’s just beautiful!
Wishing you a happy year ahead!

Hi Wieschhof,
Hope you and your family are well. I thought I would send you an update on our boy Chai. He is the most beautiful boy! We get compliments on him all the time! He is full of personality and loves water. Chai also loves doing puzzles and has been easy to train. Everyone is impressed by how good he is with other dogs and children. There is a Bernese Mountain dog in our neighborhood that they received from you. Chai loves him! We could not be happier with our little pup! He is a social butterfly and we are so glad to have chosen you as our breeder. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Thanks again for breeding such a wonderful pup!
Rochelle Rochelle

Hi! I’ve been meaning to email you for a long time and just haven’t gotten around to it. I’m not sure if you will read this but my grandmother breeds dogs and I know breeders usually enjoy updates from people who have bought their dogs. About 6 years ago I was 12 and I bought a puppy. I named him Bodie and he’s my best friend. He’s super stubborn even for an alaskan klee kai ha-ha. But he’s such a character and he is just the best pup. He LOVES to bark, go on walks, chase beach balls, chase squirrels, and to go into pet friendly stores and ride in carts. He has an older sister who is a rescue and he tolerates her even though she constantly wants to play with him when he’s not in the mood. He’s definitely a handful but we love him lots. We moved to Cape Cod about 4 years ago so now he’s a cape cod pup and has driven cross country multiple times. Anyway, thank you for giving me my best friend. He was a puppy and I was 12 and now he’s 6 and I’m 17 and he’s just the goofiest little guy.

Hi Wieschhof,
We are head over heels in love with Lola! She is a delight to have around and has been easy to train. She has quickly learned several commands and does well on a leash. She has had the chance to meet other dogs while on walks and is very friendly. She loves picking out favorite sticks during walks, running through leaves and chasing bunnies (we’re keeping an eye on that one). We can’t thank you enough for your help. She is a fantastic addition to the family. We look forward to many great adventures with her and watching her grow.
Thank you again!
Katie and Daniel

Hello Wieschhof,
Just wanted to let you know that we are loving our puppy and he is an absolute charmer. We named him Bilbo and call him Bill! He is fitting right in with our two older female Alaskan Klee Kai, learned to use the dog door the first day! He comes to work with me on weekdays and is quite popular. Our friend Karen came over to take pictures, I have attached a couple. Thank you for bringing so much joy into our life!
Eleanor and Lenny

Our dear Atticus is looking just as gorgeous and is really the best dog we could ever hope for 4 years since he was born – we are so blessed having him in our lives! You can tell the care he was provided at Haystack before coming home. It pays dividends in how well adjusted he was. Like any puppy there is the puppy stage, but Atticus trained extremely well to be a great addition to the family and socializes wonderful with other people and animals. You can tell he came from great parents because his personality is always happy with a wonderful smile (even if he gets that flash of judgmental corgi when he sees other dogs misbehaving!)
Best regards,
Aaron and Cody

Hi Wieschhof,
I just thought I would send you a pic of Winie. She’s doing great at 7 years old!! . Most intelligent dog I’ve ever had. She goes with me to the ranch every day. Can’t leave Home without her. Wherever we go she steals the show. She is a magnet. Oh how I wish we could get another bred the same way but I’m sure everyone is retired now.
THANK YOU!! For breeding such a great dog.
Doug Wisecarver

Hi Wieschhof,
We picked up our little girl “Tinkerbell” in mid-November 2017. I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful pup she is and how much we love having her in the family. She is full of energy, strong, and fearless. She hikes with us daily and we are amazed at her ability and determination to climb any obstacle in her path. We are all in better shape with Tink getting us out hiking and walking. She is headstrong and always testing her boundaries but being a previous corgi owner, I stand my ground and eventually she figures out who is the boss. She is a beautiful dog and we are constantly stopped by people commenting on her good looks. Thank you for breeding wonderful corgis
Gail Alger, Utah.

Hi Wieschhof,
I bought a puppy from you about seven years ago. I keep meaning to send you some pictures, and I always forget! I named him Dexter, and he’s the best dog ever. He’s got his own fan club, and has traveled quite extensively around the country. I just adore him. Hopefully these pictures come through. He’s a really beautiful dog. When I’m in the puppy market again, I’ll be calling you!
Thanks for my best buddy,
Kris Nixon

Hi Wieschhof, Just saying hello. I got Minnie  from you three years ago. I just want to thank you again for such a wonderful dog. Minnie is amazing, smart, sweet and good looking. I constantly get compliments on her. You definitely have the best Corgi’s. We just wanted you to know how wonderful she is and what fun we have with her. She goes everywhere with me.
Blessings, Melinda